It's Me

Endowarrior Apparel

It's Me

I had a laparoscopy in my early 20's were I was told I had PCOS and I needed to try to get pregnant quickly. I was never told I needed to have a follow up or monitored after.

I carried on with life the best way I could, but I got to a stage where I knew this wasn't normal and I just didn't want to keep popping pills every minute of my life! It was affecting my work, my sex life just my day to day. Enough was enough!

I went to my GP about my period pains, body pain, bowel pain with blood in my stool, and how heavy my flow was with clot's the size of a old 50p. It took the fourth GP to listen to me and refer me to an gynaecologist.

I was only diagnosed three years ago, but I've been fighting for 13 years just for someone to look listen and help me. My 1st operation went well, but I was told I was worse than they thought and she wasn't at an expert level to do what was needed. So another referral was made. I was then told I was missed off the waiting list twice! Endless appointments. Work stressing me, friends calling me flakey, and it also effected my sex life.

Being put on the Prostrap injections was horrible. I didn't want to, but I was told I had to as part of surgery prep. My beautiful curly afro fell out, my mood and anxiety was all over the place and my skin was terrible. It really effected my day to day and my relationship. I bled the whole time and that wasn't meant to happen. I question my GP about it and he had no clue what steps to take, but luckily my surgery letter came sooner than later so no more injections!.

Finally had my operation and wow they told me that it's the worst they have seen. They didn't understand how I was living the way I was, I told them changing my nutrition helped me. They didn't remove my fallopian tube, but they removed two fibroids and apart of my colon where the endo formed a node which they thought was cancer. They had to separate organs that were fused together. I looked at the pics of what was done and taken out, but all I was worried about was how my belly button looked lol. I went into shock a few hours later and I honestly thought I was dying. My recovery was long, but I did what was needed. Nearly 3 years on and I am waiting on an appointment since Dec 2020 which has been cancelled 3 times due to Covid-19.